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Baby Got STUFF. ~(updated)~

By popular demand, here's a list of some of our favorite baby products (so far!). Keep in mind, we live in less than 300 square feet of space, so we don't have a lot of the common essentials in our home. I'll be updating this as we go!  Rule #1 of baby necessities: look for hand-me-downs of anything you're comfortable with taking used. Look on Facebook marketplace. Look at garage sales.  Some hot soapy water or antibacterial wipes can go a long way for a lot of things, cause believe me, baby stuff gets expensive really quickly. Rule #2: Put anything and everything you want on your baby registry.  Don't forget about yourself!  Most registries have the option to mark certain items as preferred, that way you can encourage folks to buy certain things and then use that percent off coupon after your baby shower to buy anything you didn't get.  BEABA formula dispenser - can be found at Target or Amazon.  I find it to be more fitting in a diaper bag tha...

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